Total Traffic & Weather airs on iHeartMedia’s Chicago radio stations, reaching thousands of listeners every day.
Total Traffic & Weather reaches more consumers than any other traffic provider. Its operation centers utilize satellite, road data, video surveillance, and in-road sensors to provide real-time traffic and weather data.
Total Traffic & Weather delivers a clutter-free environment where your message is heard by a captive and engaged audience.
Limited Availabilities
Deliver your message with limited :05-second billboard and :15-second commercials adjacent to our high-impact Total Traffic & Weather reports.
Traffic reports are heard Monday-Friday, 6am-10am and 3pm-7pm. Weather reports are heard Monday-Sunday, 5am-8pm.
- 98% of adults spend an average of 2.5 hours a day dealing with traffic conditions.
- American’s check weather forecasts an average of 3x per day.
- 2/3 of commuters are likely to run errands, shop or dine based on info they hear in traffic + weather reports.
- The car is the #1 place where shoppers are within two hours of shopping and closest to the point of purchase; unavailable to TV, print and most other mediums.
- Consumers change planned activities + purchases based on current traffic + weather information.